Thursday, October 23, 2008

Happy National Mole Day

From 6:02AM to 6:02PM today is National Mole Day! Some of you may be wondering why it is only 6:02AM to 6:02PM. Well, this Mole Day is not about the moles that dig up your yard, it is about the moles that make up matter, and a mole is approximately 6.02 x 1023 atoms or molecules, depending on which you are measuring. So, if you write the date as time then month then day, you get 6:02 10/23, which is like 6.02 x 1023, this is why National Mole Day only lasts from 6:02AM to 6:02PM. So to celebrate, go get some concentrated sulfuric acid, H2SO4, and sucrose (sugar), C12H22O11, then put them together and make some solid carbon!* I won't go into detail why this happens, for I don't entirely know, but sulfuric acid will combine with water, and since sucrose has twice as many Hydrogen atoms as it does Oxygen atoms, just like water, it's like carbon and water. The sulfuric acid will rip the water from the sucrose, leaving separated carbon and water. The water will then boil off as steam, for this reaction is very hot, and the carbon will become a porous piece of solid carbon. So there is your simple, incomplete chemistry example.


*I suggest that you do not actually go and do this. In the event you go and do this and end up hurting yourself or someone else, I cannot be held responsible in any way. If you do this, then you do so at your own risk. Again, I am not responsible in any way at all for anything that may happen if you do this. This includes, but is not exclusive to, causing you or another being harm, or any property damage that may result.

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