Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Objects abilities to fold up are usually taken for granted, as it has become very common for an object to fold up. Scooters fold up, computers fold up, puzzles can fold up, a few trailers can fold up, glasses fold up, some flying discs fold up, ironing boards fold up, knives fold up, tool sets fold up, tricycles fold up, tents fold up, and I think you get the idea. Nevertheless, this next item is still surprising to me. It is a good idea, and I am surprised it was not thought of sooner; Microsoft has developed a fold up, wireless computer mouse. It folds up to 60% of its original size to save a little space for portability, and then one can un fold it to get a full sized desktop mouse. I do not see how that little of a size difference could matter, but someone will buy it.

While writing this article I did find a fold up mouse from Japan, so Microsoft isn't the first to do it, but theirs will probably be used more, and I think it looks more comfortable, and looks better.

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