Saturday, October 11, 2008

Houdini’s RBD Simulation

After doing many complicated (to me) projects, I chose to do something simple that I assumed would not take long to set up, a simple Rigid Body Dynamics simulation. It consists solely of dodecahedrons being generated at random spots and falling to the ground. It took only fifteen minutes to calculate the 600 frames of the animation. It could have done it even faster, but it saved every frame to disk, which apparently takes a lot of time to do, because the first 31 frames took a minute, yet I can make it calculate the first frames in real time at over 24 FPS if I don't save to disk. I rendered it at a low quality, since it is not anything special in the first place.

Final Video:

I might do a single frame render later on, where all of the dodecahedrons are glass, with a floor texture, better shadows, and a higher resolution.

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